AFC Wellness Blog

Education is imperative and drives our use of positive methodologies, proven biomechanical techniques, and safe nutritional recommendations to effectively train, motivate and educate our clients.

Why Should Moms Strength Train?

Why Should Moms Strength Train?

So, what’s the deal with strength training? And should moms strength train? Personally, I’ve always been kind of a cardio queen, but recently I decided it would be a smart change of pace to start lifting and building up my lean muscle. After all, I want to be strong...

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Active Strength Training vs Stress Exposure

Active Strength Training vs Stress Exposure

Active strength training or stress exposure can enhance or overdo a tissue, it depends on the dose. And the appropriate dose will vary depending upon the tissue, joint position, volume, etc. For example, if I want a tissue to get better at producing force, it has to...

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Alliance Fitness Center

1 Meridian Blvd
Reading, PA 19610


(610) 376-2322



Mon – Thur | 4:45am – 8:00pm

Friday | 4:45am – 7:00pm

Sat – Sun | 8:00am – 12:00pm

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